How to Target the Right Audience for Your Digital Advertising Campaign

digital advertising experts in Tri-Cities, WA Spotted Fox Digital

In the dynamic realm of the digital world, the potency of any digital advertising initiative is determined by its precision in reaching the right audience. Amidst the vast expanse of the internet, online ads without a targeted approach can quickly become just another drop in the ocean. The crux of a triumphant advertising campaign is […]

Top 6 Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Your Revenue

video production digital marketing strategy

As of 2022, over 63% of the world’s population were internet users, and over 92% of the United States residents use the World Wide Web. We are officially firmly planted in the digital age. Everything in our lives is transitioning to smartphone and internet integrated – the future is digital! Your business needs a digital […]

What are Google Adwords, and how does Google Advertising Work?

google adwords

What is Google AdWords, and How Does Google Advertising Work? Long gone are the marketing days of simply running your ad campaign in the local newspaper or shooting a one-size-fits-all television commercial. Now, the majority of marketing is digital in the internet age. Online marketing has a broader reach. You can advertise on any search […]

10 of the Best Advertising Metrics to Track for your Advertising Campaign

digital advertising metrics to track for your digital advertising campaign

The digital advertising space is forever changing and evolving; there is never a guarantee that a successful campaign will be successful again. That is why it is critical to be well informed and engaged in the top advertising metrics to ensure the smooth sailing of an advertising campaign. Today, we are sharing with you 10 […]

6 Tips That Can Help Your Website Make Money

make money from your website with good web design from spotted fox

How You can Make Money with your Website Your website has a variety of functions that include promoting your brand and enticing online visitors with the features and benefits of your products and services. The website should artfully and creatively tell the story of your brand and do so in a compelling and engaging way. […]

What We Know About the Metaverse and How Facebook Will Change

what is the metaverse? digital marketing tips about the metaverse

What is the Metaverse? The term “Metaverse” is the most recent buzzword to capture the tech industry’s imagination. One way to think of the metaverse is the internet brought to life, as rendered in 3D. As a small business, it would behoove you to pay close attention to and leverage Metaverse. Your small business could […]

How Will People’s Privacy Settings Affect Digital Marketing In 2022?

people's privacy policy new laws

How People’s Privacy Settings Will Affect Digital Marketing In 2022 Against the backdrop of governments worldwide reacting to global security scandals, more and more countries like the U.S. are rolling out new and stricter privacy laws in order to protect the personal identifying information (PII) of digital citizens. Because of these security concerns, people’s privacy […]

How to Increase Engagements and Followers on Facebook

a business owner increase engagements on facebook with spotted fox social media marketing services

With more than 2 billion active users, Facebook is an ideal platform to reach your target audience and grow your business. Facebook is clearly the most influential and important social network platform for marketers and business owners to increase engagements and product awareness.  Think about it this way:  Your Facebook fans are warm leads for […]

The Importance of Facebook Retargeting Ads

If you are looking to extend the reach of your brand recognition while increasing leads and repeat customers, then you should consider Facebook, with more than 1 billion active users, and their Facebook retargeting ads. Facebook has evolved to be more than simply a social media platform. Facebook has transformed itself into being a powerful […]